Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education

About the Department

Education is regarded as the core subject among all the teaching subjects. It deals with all the stakeholders such as administrators, learners and teachers. It provides the methodology to all other subjects for achieving the desired aims and objectives. This department was established in the year 2005 along with the establishment of the college and is one of the largest departments in the college as for as student enrolment is concerned. At present there are more than 500 students enrolled in the department.

The department of education provides opportunity to the students to acquaint them with  philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations of education besides history of development of education system in India, emerging trends in the field of Education and issues and trends in contemporary Indian education to make them understand the nature and problems of education so that the students after studying education in the department can better serve the society and solve problems of education at various stages. Besides general education, other subjects like early childhood care and education, educational technology, guidance, and counselling are taught as skill enhancement courses in the department.

The department intends to establish a full-fledged Educational Technology Laboratory in future. The department provides free access to internet to our faculty and students to get access to various teaching learning resources. The classrooms in our department have smart interactive boards to replace traditional teaching methods with new and innovative methods of teaching. The main objective of this department is to provide quality education and necessary skills. Our department is committed to raise the standard of education, disseminate knowledge, and develop wisdom for playing its part in building up a strong nation.

HOD's Message


It gives me immense pleasure to lead the department of Education Govt. Degree College Uri, Baramulla. Our College is one of the premier institutions, unique like a prism reflecting the manifold shades of learning and co-curricular activities. The very motto of department is to provide quality education. The process of teaching learning is extremely important in life. What you learn, how you learn and where you learn play a pivotal role in developing ones intellectual capabilities of the students, besides career. Our curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in both theoretical and Practical aspects of Education, with opportunities for students to specialize in different areas.

At the core of our department is a vibrant faculty dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and fostering a culture of curiosity and creativity. We are proud of our students’ accomplishments in academia and maximum co-curricular aspects, and are committed to supporting their growth through comprehensive mentorship and guidance. Hence on behalf of our department, I welcome you all to Department of Education of Government Degree College Uri.


Dr. Shamas Ud Din Ahangar

Associate Professor & Head

Department of Education
Government Degree College, Uri

  1.  Dr. Shamas Ud Din Ahangar

  2.  Dr. Mohd Maqbool Mir



  1. Ph. D, M. Ed  

  2.  Ph. D, M. Ed







S.NO YEAR Enrollment
1. 2017 132
2. 2018 102
3. 2019 147
4. 2020 89
5. 2021 228