Woman Consultancy Cell

The Women’s cell was started in year 2012 accordance with the mission to empower young women to grow as valuable assets of Global Society by providing them quality higher education enabling them to develop high intellectual level with spiritual cultural and ethical values. Women Development cell also seeks to empower young women to attain emotional, physical, and mental freedom to withstand the changing phases throughout their life. It functions with the added aim to enhance self-esteem and empowerment in students particularly female students.
The cell has been organising sessions on mental health, legal issues related to women and gender equality, fitness drives besides several literary events.
Our college caters to students representing marginal class of the society. They often come from big families where several generations live together. Their upbringing is greatly influenced by the behaviour and code of conduct set by the elders in the family. They often find it difficult to break through such psycho- social deep-rooted environment at home with regards to issues such as discrimination against a girl child vis-à-vis a male child, practice of early marriage and other stereotypes regarding education of girls etc.

Many of our female students are first generation learners and have therefore yet to get a sound acceptance in the society. They often feel neglected by society and thus the challenge lies in making them feel needed first so they develop a sense of belongingness to the society. Moreover in our male dominated society, issues related to women are quite complex and are multi-folded and overlapping. Our Institution has therefore adopted an holistic approach in addressing and handling such issues. We believe that ‘Prevention is better than Cure’ not only applies to an individual’s physical health but also to the mental health of a society at large.

Women cell of the college would groom the women to face all the challenges of life with their head held high. It views itself as facilitator for young women so that they are able to realise their full potential and exercise their active influence on society to bring about its transformation.

Our mission is to explore, design and implement ways to bring about change in the society & to create a better and just society by empowering women.

Facilities and Infrastructure
• Recreation centre cum Gymnasium: Women’s hormones and health risks make exercise especially worthwhile. The cell has a fitness centre with comfortable training facilities particularly for female students of the college who can enrich their health. Regular activity blesses us with benefits like promoting weight management, increasing self-confidence, improving brain & memory functions, lowering blood pressure, improving heart & mental health, and slowing down the ageing process. In precise the versatile equipment’s were used in the fitness centre to promote quality of life and thoughts and overall well-being of the female students. The cell has a Day Care Centre with the lady attendant Ms Uzma begum who takes care of the children of female faculty and students. It has a colourful play area with multi activity play station, activity toys and books for all age groups that a children can take and play on his/her own besides the guided activity. The cell has also been allotted a washing cum changing room as well as Rest Room. The day care centre has a pantry, with clean drinking water facility attached to itso that children being taken care have access to clean water and hot milk etc.
• Helping female students live a balanced life where they neither lurk into depression nor take the abode of aggression. • To stress upon the development of women in every sphere. • To organise events and activities for women empowerment. • To create an environment that will help women realise their full potential and give their best. • Making females cognizant about different kinds of violence: sexual, physical and mental and to further equip them with the knowledge and strength to fight against them. • Creating awareness about the need of gender equality. • Providing equal career opportunities to female students with emphasis on suitable careers. • Eliminating deep rooted beliefs of gender bias and discrimination. • Seeking help of local legal institutions to promote awareness (sub judge court, Uri)

Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH)
Prof. Asmat  Nabi, Department of English Convener
Dr. Nahida Hassan, Department of Physics    Member

Important Activities From 2016 -present

  1. A Seminar on “women Health and Hygiene” was organised on April 02,2016. The Coordinator of the cell stressed on maintaining hygiene during menstruation and care to be taken for disposal to avoid environmental pollution. and strength to fight against them.
  2. Creating awareness about the need of gender equality.
  3. Providing equal career opportunities to female students with emphasis on suitable careers.
  4. Eliminating deep rooted beliefs of gender bias and discrimination
  5. On June 24, 2016 “Educational cum Motivational Tour” for female students of the college was organised. The students were taken to a famous shrine of Kashmir, Baba shakur u Din R.A.
  6. A One day program “Beti Bachao,Beti Padawo” was organised on May 25th,2017. The aim of the programme was that the birth and upbringing of the girl child lead to their empowerment so that she becomes a proud citizen of the country without discrimination.
  1. One day seminar on “women Empowerment” was organised in collaboration with NSS of the college on September 15, 2017.The Guest speaker of the event was Ms Nayeema Ahmad Mehjoor Chairperson of State Commission for women. The competition witnessed large participation of the students.
  2. A Guest Lecture on “Stress Management and Coping Strategies” on October 10th, 2017 was conducted. The speaker of the event was Dr. Tabasum Akhter, Sr Assistant Professor at Govt College For Women Srinagar. The Lecture focussed on how to develop and nurture the mind and soul.
  3. A talk on the topic “Know Your Rights” was organised on April 24, 2018 to enlighten students on the rights of women and the importance of men in understanding them. The Resource person of the event was Miss Amira Wali HOD Social Work, GDC Baramulla.
  1. May 10,2018 In order to promote Health and wellness, A one day workshop on “Women’s Health” was conducted. Dr Masrat introduced different ways to be physically and mentally healthy.
  2. Awareness Programme on “prevention of Aids” in collaboration with NSS and the Department of Zoology was organised on December Ist 2018
  3. On March 8th, 2019 The cell organised a Programme on International women’s Day based on the theme, “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovative for change”.
  4. On the occasion of “International Yoga Day” on June 21,2020 an online Essay Competition was organised from June 21 to June 25th,2020 to commemorate the spirit of well-being.
  5. March 05,2021 The women Development cell in collaboration with Department of Environmental science organised a “Painting Competition” On the theme “Beti Bachao, Beti padao”
  1. March 16,2021 A one day “Outreach Programme” “Hiking and Trekking” was organised. The 59 female students of the college accompanied by faculty participated in the programme.
  2. On March 23,2021 A Debate on “Women Empowerment-Reality or Myths was organised which stressed on spreading awareness about gender discrimination and importance of gender equality.