
Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour and cognitive processes. It investigates the motivational processes, behavioural patterns, thought processes and feelings in human beings. The Department of Psychology was founded in 2005 with the establishment of the GDC Uri. The Department offers learning opportunities to orient the students towards scientific and humanistic study of the complexities of and behaviour and thought processes. Since the inception of this College, Department of Psychology has been the prime department in imparting factual knowledge of basic psychological concepts and methods to students. The Department offers 3 years bachelor’s programme in Psychology, spread over 6 semesters. The department provides excellent teaching and research facilities to students with core thrust in the areas of clinical psychology, health psychology, psychometrics, social psychology and organisational psychology. The B. A. in General Psychologyis one of the sought-after courses at GDC Uri and each year it attracts over more than 70 students from vicinity and adjust areas of Uri. We aim to equip students with rigorous practical and theoretical principles, as well as sound ethical, professional and research skills, to enable them to become an effective and competent knowledge seeker in the field of psychology. To prepare them for the challenges in the world, we offer a blend of theory, science, and practice, resulting in graduates who have the knowledge, skills, and values to be effective personal/social change agents in community and society.

The instructions in various courses are mainly executed through interactive audio-visual classroom teaching, intensive student teacher interaction, assignments, group discussions, remedial teaching, practical training in testing, and psychological experiments.Our academic training enables students to pursue higher studies like post-graduation, under-take professional training for teaching (i.e., B.Ed.) and many others. Besides this, students enter in job markets or in the field of competitive exams like civil services, Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board, Banking Sector and many others.Our students have immense potential to excel in academics and pursue higher studies and are ready to contribute towards holistic development of the society.The head of the department, Dr. Abdul Majeed Bhat, co-supervises a Ph. D. student currently enrolled in the Department of Psychology, NIMS University Jaipur, Rajasthan. The department also provides guidance to Ph.D. students enrolled in other Universities to design and analyze and interpret data.

 Aims of Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Psychology

The undergraduate psychology programme aims at the following goals:

  1. Offering learning opportunities to orient the students towards scientific andhumanistic study of the complexities of and behaviour and thought processes.
  2. Imparting knowledge of basic psychological concepts and methods, anddeveloping ability toappreciate the challenges in field settings.
  3. Help shaping cognitive, affective and behavioural abilities of students for buildingresponsiblepsychology professionals and researchers.
  4. Facilitating acquisition of basic skills in major areas of application (e.g., psychological testing, experimentation, counselling, interviewing, developingpsychological tools, behaviourmodification, data analysis, report writing).
  5. Promoting self-understanding, reflexivity and personal growth. Helping studentsunderstand the complexities of self and human relationships and how the twomake each other up.
  6. Developing a strong sense of ethical and moral aptness in general and in thecontext of learning and its assessment in particular.
  7. Helping students master the basic reflective, analytical, scientific writing,computational and communicative competencies.
  8. Developing respect for social diversity and increasing social and culturalrelevance of learning.

Student Learning Outcomes

General Psychology sets three goals for undergraduate students:

  1. Students will demonstrate acquisition of both factual knowledge and the ability to conceptualizeand apply this knowledge to their own behavior, to ways of interacting with others, and to their roles in culture and society.
  2. Students will understand and be able to apply principles of the scientific method and criticalthinking.
  3. Students will be able to summarize and interpret scientific journal articles and explain howreported findings may affect themselves, as well as their communities, culture, and society.

Psychological Laboratory

The Department of Psychology has a well furnished and well illuminated laboratory equipped with modern psychological testing that suffices the need of undergraduate course. The following list psychological tests are available in the laboratory:

  S. No.  Name of the Test  No. of tests  Developers  Age Rage  Assessment Function
1PGI Memory Scale1Prof. Dwarka Pershad And Prof. N.N. Wing  20-25To assess the short-term memory and Long term memory
  2Children Apperception Test (Human & Animal figures)  1Leopold Bellak, M.D and Sonya Sorel Bellak  6-14To assess the children’s personality
4Bhatia Performance test of Intelligence1Bhatia11-16To measure an Intelligence
5Sixteen personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF)1Raymond B. Cattell  16 and older  An assessment of personality based on the 16 personality factors
6Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) H.J. Eysenck To assess the traits of Personality
7Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)1Giilian Hyde & Geoff Trickey15 years & aboveTo assess aptitude