Department of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Department of Psychology

About the Department

Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and cognitive processes. It investigates the motivational processes, behavioral patterns, thought processes and feelings in human beings. The Department of Psychology was founded in 2005 with the establishment of the GDC Uri. The Department offers learning opportunities to orient the students towards scientific and humanistic study of the complexities of and behavior and thought processes. Since the inception of this College, Department of Psychology has been the prime department in imparting factual knowledge of basic psychological concepts and methods to students. The Department offers 3 years bachelor’s program in Psychology, spread over 6 semesters. The department provides excellent teaching and research facilities to students with core thrust in the areas of clinical psychology, health psychology, psychometrics, social psychology and organizational psychology. The B. A. in General Psychology is one of the sought-after courses at GDC Uri and each year it attracts over more than 70 students from vicinity and adjust areas of Uri. We aim to equip students with rigorous practical and theoretical principles, as well as sound ethical, professional and research skills, to enable them to become an effective and competent knowledge seeker in the field of psychology. To prepare them for the challenges in the world, we offer a blend of theory, science, and practice, resulting in graduates who have the knowledge, skills, and values to be effective personal/social change agents in community and society.
The instructions in various courses are mainly executed through interactive audio-visual classroom teaching, intensive student teacher interaction, assignments, group discussions, remedial teaching, practical training in testing, and psychological experiments. Our academic training enables students to pursue higher studies like post-graduation, under-take professional training for teaching (i.e., B.Ed.) and many others. Besides this, students enter in job markets or in the field of competitive exams like civil services, Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board, Banking Sector and many others. Our students have immense potential to excel in academics and pursue higher studies and are ready to contribute towards holistic development of the society. 

HOD's Message


“Welcome to the Psychology Department, a hub for exploring the intricacies of the human mind! As the Head of Department (HOD) Psychology, I’m thrilled to introduce you to our vibrant community of scholars, researchers, and learners.

Our department is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of human behavior, cognition, and emotion. We delve into the complexities of the human experience, examining the interplay between biological, environmental, and cultural factors that shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Through our academic programs, research initiatives, and community outreach activities, we aim to promote emotional intelligence, social cognition, and mental well-being. Our faculty and students engage in cutting-edge research, exploring topics such as cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, social psychology, and counseling.

As we navigate the complexities of the human psyche, we recognize the importance of empathy, self-awareness, and personal growth. Our department strives to create an inclusive, supportive environment that encourages students to develop their critical thinking skills, challenge assumptions, and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and others.

As the renowned psychologist Carl Rogers once said, ‘The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it.’ As we embark on this academic journey together, I invite you to embrace the creative, the unknown, and the complexities of the human experience.

Join us in our pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and personal growth. Let us explore, learn, and inspire each other to become active agents of positive change in our communities and the world at large.



Dr. Navshad Ahmed Wani

HOD Psychology”

Government Degree College, Uri





  1. MA, PH. D, SET


Psychological Laboratory

The Department of Psychology has a well-furnished and well illuminated laboratory equipped with modern psychological testing that suffices the need of undergraduate course. The following list psychological tests are available in the laboratory:

  S. No.   Name of the Test   No. of tests   Developers   Age Rage   Assessment Function
1 PGI Memory Scale 1 Prof. Dwarka Pershad And Prof. N.N. Wing   20-25 To assess the short-term memory and Long term memory
  2 Children Apperception Test (Human & Animal figures)   1 Leopold Bellak, M.D and Sonya Sorel Bellak   6-14 To assess the children’s personality
4 Bhatia Performance test of Intelligence 1 Bhatia 11-16 To measure an Intelligence
5 Sixteen personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF) 1 Raymond B. Cattell   16 and older   An assessment of personality based on the 16 personality factors
6 Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)   H.J. Eysenck   To assess the traits of Personality
7 Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) 1 Giilian Hyde & Geoff Trickey 15 years & above To assess aptitude


1 2017 65
2 2018 60
3 2019 75
4 2020 77
5 2021 125